
Showing posts from December, 2022

Pc Components |

 Modern computers are built for efficient use of RAM. RAM, or random access memory, is a type of data storage used by your computer’s CPU. Your operating system, programs, and data all reside in RAM, which is why it’s so important to choose a new RAM that has enough space to accommodate your new parts. Additionally, RAM also acts as a sort of scratch pad for your CPU. Whenever the CPU needs to access data from RAM, the RAM acts as a sort of temporary scratch pad for the data. This is why it’s important that you choose a new RAM with enough space to accommodate your new parts.

Coast Guard Physical

 Renewal of a License as deck officer or Merchant Mariner’s Credential as Able Seaman (AB) or Tankerman (TKMAN): You must have uncorrected vision of at least 20/800 in each eye, correctable to at least 20/40 in each eye. You must also possess normal color vision as determined by one of the methods listed on the CG-719K Physical Examination Report.  Renewal of a License as engineer officer or Merchant Mariner’s Credential as Qualified Member of the Engine Department (QMED): You must have uncorrected vision of at least 20/800 in each eye, correctable to at least 20/50 in each eye. However, you only need to possess the color sensing ability to distinguish between red, green, blue and yellow.