Grey Box Testing or Gray Box testing is a software testing method to test software applications or software products with partial knowledge of the application’s internal structure. So it can be said that Grey Box testing is a combination of Black Box testing and White Box testing.

 Apart from these testing approaches, Software Testing can be divided into many different types. Let’s take a look at some of the well-known types of testing.

 Unit Testing: It is a testing method that focuses on the smallest units of a software design. A single or a group of interrelated units are tested in unit testing. Software developers usually do it by giving inputs and observing their output.

 Integration Testing: The objective of integration testing is to take unit-tested components and build a program structure according to design. In integration testing, a group of components is combined for testing.

 Regression Testing: The addition of new modules leads to changes in programming. Regression Testing makes sure that software product or application works properly even after the addition of new modules.

 Smoke Testing: Smoke Testing is a software testing process that determines whether the build software is stable or not. Smoke Testing is a confirmation for the QA team to proceed with further testing.

 Alpha Testing: It is a type of validation testing. It is a type of acceptance testing that is done before delivering the software product or application to the customer. The QA team mainly does alpha Testing.

 Beta Testing: Beta testing is performed from the customer’s end. This testing version is released in a real-time testing environment for limited users to test.

 System Testing: In this testing method, the software is tested in such a way that it works fine for different operating systems. System Testing is a type of Black Box testing. Here the focus is given on inputs and desired outputs without considering the internal structure.

 Stress Testing: Stress Testing is a software testing activity done to determine the robustness of software by testing beyond the limits of the standard operating environment.

 Performance Testing: Performance Testing is done to test the run-time performance of the software. It is used to test the speed, accuracy, and effectiveness of the software system or application. It is also called Load Testing.

 Object-Oriented Testing: Object-Oriented Testing is a combination of multiple testing methods used to test object-oriented software. It is used chiefly for test plans and for executing the project.

 Software Testing Life Cycle is a sequence of specific activities conducted during the testing process to meet the goals of qualitative software. STLC involves validation as well as verification activities. STLC is a fundamental part of the SDLC process.

 Requirement Analysis: Requirement Analysis is also known as the Requirement Testing phase. Here, testing teams study requirements from a testing point of view. At the same time, the QA team interacts with the stakeholders to understand requirements in detail.

 Test Planning: Test Planning in STLC is a phase where a senior QA Manager plans the test strategy. Here the resources, test environment, test schedule, and test limitations are determined.

 Test Case Development: In the Test Case Development phase, the testing team noted the details of the test cases. The testing team also prepared the test data in this phase.

 Test Environment Setup: Test Environment Setup is a phase where the hardware and software criteria are decided in which a software product or application is to be tested. It is an important aspect of STLC.

 Test Execution: In the test execution phase, the testing team starts executing test cases based on test case development and test environment setup.

 Once the testing phase is completed, the software application or product is deployed in a production environment or UAT (User Acceptance Testing), depending upon the customer’s requirements. Sometimes the deployment happens in stages as per the business strategy of a software development company.

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 Every software company has its own process for software deployment. But overall, software deployment can be determined in three phases: preparation, testing, and deployment.

 Preparation: In the preparation stage, software developers gather all the code, functions, libraries, files, and resources needed for the software application to function. Together these items are packaged as a single software release.

 Deployment: Once the software is fully tested, it is pushed to a live environment. Software developers may run a set of scripts to update relevant databases before the software goes live. The final step is to check for errors and bugs on the live server.

 After the deployment of software into the production environment, maintenance and updates of the product are done. If issues come up and needs fixing or enhancements, they are taken care of by the software developers.

 Adaptive Maintenance: Adaptive Maintenance in an application or software is done when a customer wants it to run on a new platform or operating system with new hardware or software.

 Software Update is a way for a software developer to make changes and fine-tune the software to make it the best it can be. Software Updates have frequent small improvements instead of any major changes. Software Updates sometimes run automatically as a background process and sometimes come in a downloadable form. Software Update is necessary for a product or application to be running successfully.

 Software development companies and software developers follow SDLC models in their software development process to manage a project efficiently. SDLC Models are also known as Software Development Methodologies.

 Software development companies and software developers follow SDLC models in their software development process to manage a project efficiently. SDLC Models are also known as Software Development Methodologies.

 Depending upon the project requirements, software developers choose a specific SDLC Model and stick to it through the entire Software Development Life Cycle. Each software development methodology (SDLC Model) has its strengths and weaknesses, and each SDLC Model exists for a specific reason.

 Each SDLC Model or Software Development Methodology follows a series of unique steps, and all of them ensure software development success. Here is an overview of the most commonly used SDLC Models (Software Development Methodologies) in software development.

 The Waterfall Model is one of the oldest and universally accepted SDLC models. It is also known as Linear Sequential Life Cycle Model. It is one of the simplest and easiest models to use.

 In the waterfall model, each phase must be completed before moving to the next one. Overlapping of phases is not possible in the waterfall model. It was the earliest SDLC approach used for software development.

 In the waterfall model, the outcome of one phase acts as an input to the next phase. The sequence of phases in the waterfall model is:

 Agile Methodology is a software development practice that promotes continuous iteration of development and testing in the software development life cycle. In agile methodology, the entire software development project is divided into small incremental builds. Each iteration lasts from one to three weeks depending on the development project.

 DevOps is a software development methodology that combines the approach of Software Development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops) participating in an SDLC. DevOps is a software development methodology and a set of practices that support an organization’s culture.

 DevOps enhances the collaboration between the different departments of a software development organization. It also collaborates with SDLC phases such as development, operations, and quality assurance. The ultimate goal of DevOps is to decrease the duration of SDLC while delivering the features, updates, and fixes frequently.

 RAD or Rapid Application Development is an SDLC model that focuses on high-quality software development with low investment costs. The RAD model allows software developers to adjust according to the project’s requirements quickly. The ability to adjust in a constantly changing market results in low investment costs.


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