As a payment service that gets hundreds of new users signing up every day, has set up multiple levels of screening for every new account application before approving it
The new service from answers a long-time demand from customers for overseas shipment of physical cards. Businesses requiring international payments benefit from this. Also, overseas delivery of physical cards is also helpful for those who travel frequently. To get a physical card in your address overseas, all you have to do is to enter your bank details and the accurate shipping address. will ship you your cards safely at a nominal cost of $20.
Through most of the postwar years, the nation's biggest builders of offshore oil platforms enjoyed an unusually cozy relationship with the Big Oil Companies they served. Their top officials developed personal friendships with oil executives, entertained them at opulent hunting camps- and won contracts to build nearly every major offshore oil platform in the world....But this summer, the good-old boy network fell apart. Shell [Oil Co.] awarded the main contract for [a new] platform - taller than Chicago's Sears Tower, four times heavier than the Brooklyn Bridge - to a tiny upstart.
If you’re shipping original work to a gallery or art collector, there are ways to cut costs. “The cost to ship an oversized painting that’s stretched on a canvas can be pretty substantial,” says Ken. “Sometimes what we do is unstretch a canvas, roll it in a tube, and ship it that way, which dramatically lowers the freight costs. Then we can have the canvas stretched locally.”