Through most of the postwar years, the nation's biggest builders of offshore oil platforms enjoyed an unusually cozy relationship with the Big Oil Companies they served. Their top officials developed personal friendships with oil executives, entertained them at opulent hunting camps- and won contracts to build nearly every major offshore oil platform in the world....But this summer, the good-old boy network fell apart. Shell [Oil Co.] awarded the main contract for [a new] platform - taller than Chicago's Sears Tower, four times heavier than the Brooklyn Bridge - to a tiny upstart.

 The winning bidder arranged overseas fabrication of the rig, kept overhead costs low, and proposed a novel assembly procedure by which construction equipment was mounted on completed sections of the platform in order to speed the completion of the entire structure. The result was lower costs than those estimated and bid by traditional firms.

 Of course, U.S. firms including A/E firms, contractors and construction managers are also competing in foreign countries. Their success or failure in the international arena may also affect their capacities and vitality to provide services in the domestic U.S. market.

 Contractor Financed Projects

 Increasingly, some owners look to contractors or joint ventures as a resource to design, to build and to finance a constructed facility. For example, a utility company may seek a consortium consisting of a design/construct firm and a financial investment firm to assume total liability during construction and thereby eliminate the risks of cost escalation to ratepayers, stockholders and the management. On the other hand, a local sanitation district may seek such a consortium to provide private ownership for a proposed new sewage treatment plant. In the former case, the owner may take over the completed facility and service the debt on construction through long-term financing arrangements; in the latter case, the private owner may operate the completed facility and recover its investment through user fees. The activities of joint ventures among design, construction and investment firms are sometimes referred to as financial engineering.

 This type of joint venture has become more important in the international construction market where aggressive contractors often win contracts by offering a more attractive financing package rather than superior technology. With a deepening shadow of international debts in recent years, many developing countries are not in a position to undertake any new project without contractor-backed financing. Thus, the contractors or joint ventures in overseas projects are forced into very risky positions if they intend to stay in the competition.

 Lean Construction

 Lean manufacturing had a revolutionary effect on many industries, especially automotive assembly companies. Characteristics of this approach include:

 Improvement in quality and reduction of waste everywhere. Rather than increasing costs, reducing defects and waste proved to improve quality and reduce costs.

 Empowering workers to be responsible for satisfying customer needs. In construction, for example, craftsman should make sure their work satisfied the design intent.

 Continuous improvement of processes involving the entire workforce.

 Lean construction is intended to spread these practices within the construction industry. Of course, well managed construction projects already have many aspects of lean construction. For example, just-in-time delivery of materials is commonplace to avoid the waste of large inventory stockpiles. Green building projects attempt to re-use or recycle all construction wastes. But the systematic attention to continuous improvement and zero accidents and defects is new. Back to top

 1.9 The Role of Project Managers

 In the project life cycle, the most influential factors affecting the outcome of the project often reside at the early stages. At this point, decisions should be based on competent economic evaluation with due consideration for adequate financing, the prevalent social and regulatory environment, and technological considerations. Architects and engineers might specialize in planning, in construction field management, or in operation, but as project managers, they must have some familiarity with all such aspects in order to understand properly their role and be able to make competent decisions.

 Since the 1970's, many large-scale projects have run into serious problems of management, such as cost overruns and long schedule delays. Actually, the management of megaprojects or superprojects is not a practice peculiar to our time. Witness the construction of transcontinental railroads in the Civil War era and the construction of the Panama Canal at the turn of this century. Although the megaprojects of this generation may appear in greater frequency and present a new set of challenge, the problems are organizational rather than technical. As noted by Hardy Cross: [6]

 It is customary to think of engineering as a part of a trilogy, pure science, applied science and engineering. It needs emphasis that this trilogy is only one of a triad of trilogies into which engineering fits. This first is pure science, applied science and engineering; the second is economic theory, finance and engineering; and the third is social relations, industrial relations and engineering. Many engineering problems are as closely allied to social problems as they are to pure science.

 As engineers advance professionally, they often spend as much or more time on planning, management and other economic or social problems as on the traditional engineering design and analysis problems which form the core of most educational programs. It is upon the ability of engineers to tackle all such problems that their performance will ultimately be judged.

 The greatest stumbling block to effective management in construction is the inertia and historic divisions among planners, designers and constructors. While technical competence in design and innovation remains the foundation of engineering practice, the social, economic and organizational factors that are pervasive in influencing the success and failure of construction projects must also be dealt with effectively by design and construction organizations. Of course, engineers are not expected to know every detail of management techniques, but they must be knowledgeable enough to anticipate the problems of management so that they can work harmoniously with professionals in related fields to overcome the inertia and historic divisions.

 Paradoxically, engineers who are creative in engineering design are often innovative in planning and management since both types of activities involve problem solving. In fact, they can reinforce each other if both are included in the education process, provided that creativity and innovation instead of routine practice are emphasized. A project manager who is well educated in the fundamental principles of engineering design and management can usefully apply such principles once he or she has acquired basic understanding of a new application area. A project manager who has been trained by rote learning for a specific type of project may merely gain one year of experience repeated twenty times even if he or she has been in the field for twenty years. A broadly educated project manager can reasonably hope to become a leader in the profession; a narrowly trained project manager is often relegated to the role of his or her first job level permanently.

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 The owners have much at stake in selecting a competent project manager and in providing her or him with the authority to assume responsibility at various stages of the project regardless of the types of contractual agreements for implementing the project. Of course, the project manager must also possess the leadership quality and the ability to handle effectively intricate interpersonal relationships within an organization. The ultimate test of the education and experience of a project manager for construction lies in her or his ability to apply fundamental principles to solving problems in the new and unfamiliar situations which have become the hallmarks of the changing environment in the construction industry.

 Construction contract management is an essential aspect of program management that ensures the project implementation is flawless and meets regulations and customer expectations. Fortunately, with the advent of technology, specialized construction contract management software makes the job easier for all parties involved.

 This post explores the benefits of this type of contract management and what it entails.

 What is Contract Management in Construction?

 Contact management in construction is a process through which partners in a project define their roles and responsibilities to ensure the project runs flawlessly and cohesively. Similarly, contract management mitigates risk by defining parties’ roles and consequences when a party doesn’t meet its mandate.

 Contract management in construction involves managing the relationships between project partners such as vendors, contractors, financiers, employees, and customers. The goal of construction contract management is to ensure optimal and transparent operational and financial performance and reduce risks for the project’s entirety.

 Contract management poses a bigger challenge in the construction industry as the field is riddled with a high-risk, hazardous, and highly competitive environment. As a result, handling contractor and sub-contractor input while ensuring safety and health standards are met makes managing any construction project challenging.

 Contract management poses a bigger challenge in the construction industry as the field is riddled with a high-risk, hazardous, and highly competitive environment. As a result, handling contractor and sub-contractor input while ensuring safety and health standards are met makes managing any construction project challenging.

 However, with the proper contracts, developers can ensure construction projects run smoothly, on time, and within budget. So, what types of contracts are common in the construction industry?

 Commonly Used Types of Contacts in Construction

 Cost-Plus Contract

 Under this contract, the contractor gets paid all construction-related costs in advance. Most contractors prefer this type of contract as one of its benefits is the ability to purchase construction materials early and avoid losing money later when the costs might be higher.

 Similarly, a cost-plus contract is more advantageous when a contractor doesn’t have enough data to provide a precise cost estimate or the project is now well-defined.

 Cost-Plus Contract Management in Construction

 However, the contract has some downsides. The major downside is most have ‘not-to-exceed’ amounts that limit how much contractors can spend on the project. Simial

 Design-Build Contract

 Typically, a project financier will get a design before looking for construction bids for a project. This means there are two contracts involved – one to design and another to build, making the process longer and involving more parties than necessary.


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